How to Spot Fake Creed Aventus (Fake vs Real)

We all tend to think that it is just in the flea market that we can be bugged up with the fake colognes. However, these knock-offs have made their way even into the stores of huge perfume shops as well. When buying the high-end colognes from brands like Creed, one certainly does not wish to get looted by the buggers.

Since, this can make you feel very disappointed and upset. Using fake scents can also be harmful to your health in the long term. Keeping your concerns in mind, we have come up with some of the signs that will help you know Creed Aventus real vs fake, how to spot a fake/real creed aventus cologne.

1.Proper Wrapping

Creed Aventus cologne are coming in a box that is wrapped properly with a cellophane sheet. This sheet is very thick and has been folded along with the bends and folds of the cardboard box.

If you notice that there is any improper wrapping of the cellophane sheet on the box, then you need to avoid buying those Aventus bottles. Since, improper wrapping is the first telltale sign of fake aventus cologne. 

2.Inscriptions on the Box

For all those who have been using Aventus or are first-time buyers, here is the next important tip to spot fake/real Creed Aventus cologne. Pay proper attention to the description which is provided on the front, back, and bottom of the outer box.

In the case of fakes, these are not printed properly and can appear a bit hazy which makes it difficult for you to read them. However, in the case of the original Creed Aventus, the words printed on the bottle are printed in a much-defined way. 

You will also get the label of Creed Aventus being placed on the top of the inner cardboard box in the originals. On the other hand, this has been shoved inside the box in case of the fake Creed Aventus colognes. 


4.Logo on the Bottle Cover

You will see that there is a logo of the Creed on the top of the bottle cover. If you are one of those who has been using Creed for a longer time or has it on their bucket list, can certainly distinguish between the fake vs original one. Since, the logo which is present on the fake bottles is very indefinite and looks clumsy.


5.Check the Bottom of Bottle


In the fakes, the bottom of the cologne bottle is usually very thin; however, in the case of the original, the bottom is extremely thick to prevent it from easy damage.

Also, when checking the back of the cologne bottle, you will notice that in fake bottles the words printed are irregularly placed, whereas this is not applicable to the original ones.

From packaging to bottle quality, every tiny detail of a perfume bottle should be checked when buying one. Coming to the case of Creed Aventus, it undoubtedly becomes important to check thoroughly as you will be spending a huge sum of bucks to get hands-on it!.

You might also like: Creed Aventus Review


After reading these tips, i hope you will able to spot and make the difference between real vs fake Creed aventus before investing your money. Please let me know your thought in the comment below.

Buy Aventus Sample today!