If you are looking to compare Club de nuit vs L’aventure you are in the right place below is our comparison of Club de nuit intense man vs Al Haramain l’aventure.
To start the comparison and to make it easy for you, We will talk about the notes, opening, longevity, projection, versatility..continue reading below.
Club de Nuit Intense vs Al Haramain L’aventure
Armaf Club De Nuit Intense Man has the top notes of Lemon, Pineapple, Black Currant and Bergamot
Al Haramain I’Aventure top notes are: Elemi, Lemon and Bergamot.
Pineapple and Black Currant is the only difference for the top notes, The middle and base notes are pretty much similar for both colognes with a touch of Jasmine and Musk & Patchouli. So overall, they are both pretty much similar.
The opening of Armaf Club De Nuit Intense has a lemon fragrance which makes you feel fresh but it goes out quickly. Whereas, the opening of Al Haramain I’Aventure is fresh and clean with a citric burst.
While the projection of Armaf Club De Nuit Intense Man opens with citrus, woody and fruity flavours, the projection of Al Haramain I’Aventure is stronger but it goes to moderate projection as the time passes leaving behind the top and base notes.
As per few consumer reports, Armaf Club De Nuit Intense lasts 8-12 hours..When it comes to longevity, Al Haramain I’Aventure seems to lasts for 5-6 hours.
The versatility of both the perfumes is pretty much similar. Most of the consumers prefer to use more sprays in the warmer days rather than the cold days. Given the strong opening notes of both the perfumes, there’s no point to discuss about versatility as they stand up on the expectations of everyone out there.
Overall Scents
Armaf Club De Nuit is considered to be the best option and the reason is overall. Both scents are good and the top notes can be the decider as they have the same base notes.
The Winner?
If you ask me to pick between Club de nuit intense man vs Al Haramain l’aventure, I would prefer Armaf Club De Nuit Intense Man this cologne is very popular online and classified as the closest thing to aventus (I like Aventus) but the second option would be to buy both colognes to try yourself and make your own judgement, because everyone noise is different.